Girls of the NEW YEAR 2025 Event

election in ALL4.VIP

If you are a girl you can send us your candidacy - you must be over 16 years old.
Our team will assess your personality and appearance.

You should send it to us by e-mail:
1) your nickname, age, country and city
2) at least 2 photos with visible your face and with a card with the inscription "ALL4.VIP"
3) at least 2 photos with the entire silhouette visible and with a card with the inscription "ALL4.VIP"
4) a short description of you (for example your hobby, what you like)

Applications must be sent by: 22th January 2025. Results will be announced by 28th January 2025.
Please send to the address:


Girls of the HALLOWEEN 2024 Event - Results

1 - prawdziwa.francuzka - France, Poland

2 - nsheen.20 - Vietnam

3 - aishachadwick.xo - United Kingdom

4 - vesin_kaaa2003 - Bulgaria

5 - Noor Alhoda Saaeid - Berlin

